Solution for civil aviation flight safety


Chinasoft International aviation business line has carried out project cooperation with Civil Aviation Administration and many airlines since 2008. We are familiar with the business of civil aviation industry, have successful experience in aviation information system, have a deep understanding of China's actual conditions, and have good reputation in the industry.

Chinasoft International aviation business line has successful experience in aviation information system, and is extremely familiar with the production operation and safety management business of airlines, especially the operation management and safety management business.

As a strategic partner of the information center of CAAC, Chinasoft International has assisted the center in the preliminary planning, architecture design, etc. of the e-government related information system of CAAC since the beginning of 2008, and undertaken the technical development and engineering implementation of the follow-up projects. The whole team has accumulated rich practical experience in this industry. Some of the most important projects include aviation security command and dispatching system of CAAC, e-government extranet platform and flight standard supervision and management system of CAAC phase I and phase II project, industry supervision and law enforcement system of CAAC project, aviation flight quality monitoring service platform of CAAC project, Air China online preparation system, Air China reliability management system, Air China investment enterprise aviation safety supervision platform project, etc.



Service scope

Crew online preparation system

The crew online preparation system is designed for airlines and is an information-based work platform for pilots. It mainly includes online preparation, online preparation supervision, information resource collection and integration, comprehensive information query, information release and report, business experience exchange and knowledge sharing, crew service support and system management and other functions.

With the implementation of the system, we can provide great convenience and support for pilots and crew members to obtain flight information and safety information, prepare before flight, read various notices and learn various flight data, provide support for flight crew business departments to carry out flight monitoring, and meet the development needs of relevant businesses of the airline companies. As a group enterprise, each branch of the group can maximize the sharing of resources through the pilot online preparation system.

Quality monitoring service platform of CAAC

Quality monitoring service platform of CAAC is established for users such as CAAC, Academy of Aeronautics, airlines, etc. to enhance users' capacities in safety monitoring and QAR data analysis, improve the level of supervision over unsafe events of airlines, provide stable and reliable auxiliary decision-making means for data analysis and research policy-making affecting flight safety factors, and be a good reference in flight safety management. Specifically includes:

  • Through the monitoring and analysis of QAR data in the industry, the weak points in safety management or technology and the monitoring direction and training focus are found, targeted,to make the monitoring work more oriented and targeted.

  • Expanding the scope and depth of flight quality monitoring, finding out various factors affecting safe operation, and further improving flight quality monitoring standards.

  • Based on the analysis of massive industry QAR data, grasping the industry situation, issuing industry safety index or safety early warning, assisting in macro decision-making, and making suggestions for ensuring aviation public safety.
